

Each day, Robinson Kinderopvang provides a balanced approach to learning. Giving you peace of mind while your child is having fun as she or he develops social, emotional, physical and intellectual skills. We give your child the tools required to become confident and self-aware within a caring and stimulating environment. This applies for infants, toddlers, 2-3 years-old and 4-12 years old.

We recognise that a curriculum is more than simlply a series of activies or what is written in manuals. For us, it comprises everything thap happens within a group, from interactions and meals to singing and playing.

Life skills

Robinson Kinderopvang teaches children life skills that go beyond reading, writing and arithmetic. For instance, playing with toys helps develop motorical development. Our various activities allow children to learn the importance of sharing with friends. Singing songs while washing hands instils an interest in the arts while forging social bonds and educating about the importance of good hygiene. Each activity is designed with a specific lesson or outcome in mind. We provide a balance between optional and structured activities, between group and individual pursuits and between teacher- and child-directed experiences. We teach seasonally relevant lessons.

Our approach
We have an educational programme based on the diverse needs and interests of children according to age. Find out more about how we address the different needs of each age group below.

Age 0-2 years
Infants and young children need a safe, nurturing environment to begin exploring the world around them. We provide all the support and tools young children need to learn, grow and form educational foundations.

Age 2-4 years
Preschool-age children are continually gaining independence and develop rapidly. We provide a balance approach by nurturing children and encouraging them to explore their world. At the same time, they are carefully prepared for the more structured classroom experiences ahead.

Daily schedule
For babies (up to 18 months) the daily schedule is mainly determined by the individual sleeping and eating rhythm of each child.

For all children aged 0 to 4 years old, we provide a monthly new theme and activities are done with the children. Children are stimulated at their own individual level according to the following types of development: physical, social emotional, and spoken language. Additionally, the children get the opportunity to play on their own and thus develop their own creativity. In collaboration with each child’s parent(s), we follow the child’s home routine as much as possible. In conjunction with the influence of each child’s home routine, for children (18 months to 4 years old) we follow the below daily schedule as much as possible. This schedule gives the child guidelines and the predictability of a set schedule gives the children a safe and secure feeling since they know what to expect.

Daily Schedule of Robinson nursery

7:30 (approx.)-9:00 a.m
Children arrive; say goodbye to parent(s)

9:00-9:45 a.m
Free play

9.45 a.m
Snack Time (fruit, tea or water); sing a song

10.00 a.m
Change diapers/use toilet; morning nap time if needed

10.15 a.m
Theme activity (inside or outside)

11.15 a.m
Wake up from nap time; feed bottle if needed

11.30 – 12.00 a.m
Lunch time (sandwiches and milk)

0.30 p.m
Change diapers/use toilet

0.45- 2.30 p.m
Nap time if needed; Activity for the children that are awake; For the little ones that are awake there is time for an extra hug

2.45 p.m.
Babies have a bottle/settle for a nap as needed; Napping children wake up

3 p.m
Snack time (vegetables and water)

3.15 p.m
Free play or activity (inside or outside)

5 p.m
Change diapers/use toilet

5.30 – 6.00 p.m
Children are picked up; possibly eat dinner if not eating at home.

Hot meals
Robinson spends a lot of time teaching childeren healty eating and drinking habits. You can choose for fresh, hot meals with organic ingredients and without sugar and colour additives whenever possible. We also cater for any food allergies as well as dietary requirements of a religious nature. The children eat fresh fruit in the moring, enjoy a healthy snack in the afternoon.