Are you living in (or moving to) Haarlem, Santpoort or Spaarndam en looking for a nursery? Please visit our location De Geluksvogels. This cosy nursery is located in de Vogelbuurt in Haarlem and offers daycare to children of ages 0-4 years old. Combining care for our children with our professional life can give parents a lot of challenges. We know, most of us are working parents as well. We can provide you with a safe and warm environment for your child(ren) in many ways.
One Playgroup
De Geluksvogels provides care to a group of 16 children at the most. Infants experience at an early age the presence of toddlers around them. The older children have to consider the presence of infants and can ‘assist” the tutor during the day. This stimulates their independence and self-esteem
Playgroup |
Max. amount of children |
16 |
No. of tutors |
3 |
Ages |
0 – 48 months |